Thursday, September 18, 2008

I Heart Your Blog

I Heart Your Blog
Originally uploaded by midgefrazel
I was just peacefully sitting here at my desktop computer transcribing gravestones when BOOM, I got an email telling me that Diane Haddad of Family Tree Magazine put me on her list of seven favorite blogs.

I had what I thought was a "senior moment" because I think that one of my fellow genea-bloggers at Facebook already nominated me for this award and I never got around to picking seven people for a list.. "Wasn't that just a couple days ago?", I thought. I think I am working way too hard. Having two careers just might kill me yet. [Yes, I know, then I will need my own gravestone!]

I so hope this other person doesn't think that I am ignoring them. Could they please let me know who they were? Does this mean I have fourteen blogs to nominate? UPDATE! I found out who this is, it is:

Miriam Robbins Midkiff, my friend on Facebook, author of AnceStories blog.

Diane listed me with my friend Maureen Taylor, the "rock-star" of family photography. I was watching her be interviewed by Dick Eastman and thinking about the series of coincidences that have brought us together. Maureen and I are NOT related, are NOT the same age, are NOT the same height and weight, are NOT both blonde but we DID go to the same college in Rhode Island, we both write and she wrote a book about MY ancestors. There are more "same-ness" but you get the idea....

Maybe this is a sign that I should make family history my main career?

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