Henry Mallory Clift and his wife Annetta Thompson and one of their children, Frances B. Clift, and their birth and death dates are listed on this memorial gravestone at Elm Grove Cemetery in Mystic, CT.
Henry Mallory Clift was a son of Horace Hatch Clift and his wife Frances Eleanor Burrows, who are buried nearby. Henry, Annetta and their young daughter also have small headstones in front of this large Clift Monument.
Linda Woody, a fellow genealogist, asked me to find this gravestone for her and has helped me with the research. The first and most interesting fact about this family is that they SHOULD be buried in Iowa. I was convinced that I would not find them here in CT. Henry was born in Groton but moved to Iowa by the time he was 33 and married Annetta there. Their little girl Frances died there and all three of them were sent back East to be buried with the Clift family here. Think what this might cost today!
Henry and Annetta had a son Chester who lived in Iowa, South Dakota, Idaho and California. Who says New England families never go anywhere?
Hi Midge, glad I found your blog! Hope you are doing well.
Here is an obituary of Henry Mallory Clift I just now found: http://iagenweb.org/boards/clayton/obituaries/index.cgi?read=800339
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