Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Born and Died in December

Edwin Barber Monument
Originally uploaded by midgefrazel
Ida Elizabeth BLIVEN was born 26 Dec 1857 and died 11 Dec 1893.

My fellow genea-bloggers are participating in an Advent Blogging Theme this year and although I am enjoying the many, many posts, I chose not to particulate in this event because December is just too busy to try to do anymore than I am already doing.

But, I saw this event of finding out how many persons in your charts have a birthday (like myself and my daughter) in December. I expected to have to work quite hard to generate such information but RootsMagic 4 made this task quite easy and enjoyable. I was glad I stopped working on current projects to learn how to do it.

As a former worker in a hospital, I am acutely aware of the number of people who die in December. But, this one made me pause as Ida died in December of "placenta previa" which means this is a double death as her baby must have also died when she did. How sad for the father and the son they already had! As expected, Edwin Barber married again in the same year, and the first child he had with this new wife, was named after his deceased wife.

1 comment:

Elizabeth O'Neal said...

Wow, how sad for them. Placenta previa is a dangerous condition even today, 100 years later.