Saturday, July 10, 2010

Graveyard Rabbit: Cemetery Seasons

Cemetery Seasons
Originally uploaded by midgefrazel
Here at Granite-in-My-Blood we couldn't possibly pick a "best" season to like hunting for gravestones! It is a 365 day a year vocation. Of course, winter is the least likely to get good, clear shots of the stones and it is harder to get around in cemeteries but it doesn't mean that you can't appreciate the loveliness of the "frosting" of the snow on the stones. [pictured here is the Orange St. Cemetery in Bridgewater, MA]

Spring in new England also has its challenges as the ground can be muddy and the wind can "chill you down to your bones" but with a strong sunny day, you can get some good photos. [pictured here is the Trinity Church Cemetery in Bridgewater, MA]

Fall gravestone adventures is what we are aiming toward in the future. The weeds have died off but the grass is still mowed. If you are smart, you go out before the leaves fall from the trees. Fall is my favorite season but here in New England it is still unpredictable for traveling. It is probably best not to mention the haunting. [pictured here is Pine Grove Cemetery in Hopkinton, RI in early fall taken by Scott Bill Hirst for me]

Summer is all around delightful. The morning are cool and quiet and the camera shutter can take photos at breakneck speed. Last summer, I visited 5 cemeteries in two days and got over 500 photos to research. I am still reading and transcribing gravestones from that trip. [picture here is the lush and beautiful Elm Grove Cemetery in Mystic, CT]

I probably won't get much done this year because we are moving to a new home but I continue to work on locating cemeteries and deciding what gravestone photos to take.

1 comment:

Dorene from Ohio said...

A beautiful collage!!