Saturday, April 07, 2012

Happy Birthday, Tattie!

Tattie and Heather by midgefrazel
Tattie and Heather, a photo by midgefrazel on Flickr.

I finally found the photo I took on an Easter Sunday of my great-aunt and my baby daughter on the first Easter after she was born. Notice that they have a similar expression on their faces!

Born in 1895 on April 7, Dorothy was the "baby" in her family. She was small and blonde as compared to her siblings, my grandmother and her robust brother, Harold. She had bad vision and hearing but she was very smart. Math was easy for her.

She's our divorced woman but that's a story for another time. She once had the cutest little girl who died way too young.

After Tattie died, my mother bemoaned that the holidays weren't the same without "Tattie" but then, my mother said that every time someone died. Change is hard for us New Englanders.

Somewhere along the way we switched from the traditional Ham dinner to Kentucky Fried Chicken  I thought it was so much more fun. Isn't it crazy what you miss?

So many recipes that I have inherited make way too much food for the size of my family. Many are things we no longer eat or even enjoy. Family food changes with the time. 

Fortunately, birthday cake doesn't go away! Happy Birthday, Tattie!

1 comment:

Jane Preston said...

Love your blog this Easter. it brings back lots of memories of my own Easter Sundays. Isn't it amazing how life changes so over the years as to what we do now in place of what we did then?
Happy Easter, Midge. Jane preston