Friday, January 10, 2014

Monthly Meeting

Inside the Meeting

Hulda Jowett brought my attention to this Web page that shows the interior of the Adams Quaker Meeting House. Be sure not to miss that the heat and the light (fireplace) is on the Women's side of the Meetinghouse. 

The Berry book that I am reading emphasizes that I should know which meeting my family belonged to. It didn't take me long to find this out for those people who lived in Adams and for the brother of my ancestor that moved to Michigan. It could be that Robert Marks Ayleworth, who moved away did so because he wanted to raise his family in a more "plain" fashion. Hulda and I are going to move into cluster research to find out what happened to the children and grandchildren of our common ancestor Warner and Susanna (Battey) Aylsworth.

I found some of the meeting records at Ancestry by searching the Card Catalog for "Quaker". If you have Quakers, stop reading this blog and go look. Now.

This is what those records look like and you need an annotated abbreviation list to figure them out. It is at the beginning of each volume and it is in Berry's book. 

Then, by a stroke of luck I found the New England Meeting information and a PDF to help me learn more. Also, Caroline Hazard's ebook on The Narragansett (RI) meetings a Google Books.

Suddenly, I am drowning in information! This means I must stop blogging and go back to learning. I have blog posts about the gravestone pre-written for your viewing pleasure while I do just that!


Cousin Russ said...


Quaker Records, at least the ones I have seen, are very helpful following a person or family from place to place or why a person was read out of a meeting.

I hope you are able to find what you are looking for and aren't overwhelmed with what you have found.


Midge Frazel said...

Thanks, Russ. It is going fairly well. I am hoping to identify where the Quakers began in this part of my tree and where they ended. I may not be able to do that without Hulda's help.

At least I will have some new gravestones to blog about!
