Thursday, October 29, 2015


Row #3, Grave #308-10-044, GPS 41.41675 N - 71.97190 W
(Transcript from Hale Survey) Gallup, Sarah, wife of Col. Nathan, died Sept. 18, 1778, age 47 (Note: The Hale has her age at death as 47, but the stone has it as her 48th year)
Photograph by Brian Zoldak, 2014

Sarah GIDDINGS, was the first wife of Col. Nathan GALLUP. After she died on 18 September 1778 her husband married again to a woman identified as Mary. Mary is only mentioned on her baby son's gravestone and in Col. Nathan GALLUP's will. None of the Gallup genealogies mention her. 

Sarah was born 7 Mar 1728/29 in Norwich, New London, Connecticut. She married Nathan GALLUP 25 May 1749 in Groton, New London, Connecticut. The record reads that her name was GIDEON. [Vol. 1 page 170 Barbour Index]

Sarah and Nathan had nine children and all lived to adulthood. A few of them are also buried here in this cemetery.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Tombstone Tuesday: Young Nathan GALLUP, Jr.

Row #3, Grave #308-10-043, GPS 41.41674 N - 71.97191 W
(Transcript from Hale Survey) Gallup, Nathan, Jr., son of Col. Nathan & Sarah, died Sept. 16, 1778, age 23 (Note: The Hale has his age at death as 23, but the stone has it as his 24th year)
Photo by Brian Zoldak, 2014

Young Nathan GALLUP, Jr. 
Young Nathan GALLUP, who died at age 23, was the adult son of Col. Nathan Gallup and his wife Sarah GIDDINGS. He died on 16 Sept. 1778. As you can see this is the same style gravestone as the other young people who died in this era. He is buried next to his mother and her gravestone is the same style. She died 18 Sept 1778 just two days after her son.

Just so that you appreciate Brian's excellent photography, here is photo that I took of this gravestone. You can just see the flag holder next to his gravestone in Brian's photograph.

Photo By Midge Frazel

Thursday, October 22, 2015


Row #3, Grave #308-10-042, GPS 41.41673 N - 71.97187 W
(Transcript from Hale Survey) Gallup, Lucy, relict of Nathan, died Nov. 21, 1834, age 85
Photograph by Brian Zoldak, 2014

Lucy PACKER and Nathan GALLUP, Jr. were married on 4 Jan 1778 in Ledyard, Connecticut. When he died in 1778, Lucy became a young widow (as it says here on her gravestone as "relict"). She lived until 21 Nov 1834, aged 85 years. This tells us that she did not marry again after her husband and son both died.  Her gravestone is in the style of the 1830s.

The newest Gallup Genealogy (2009) states that Lucy was born 23 Oct 1750 in Groton but tells us no more about her. Wheeler's History of Stonington mentions her husband but doesn't say he married as it just lists his date of birth and death.

Lucy is listed in the Barbour Index of Groton as the daughter of John Packer, Jr. and Hannah. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Tombstone Tuesday: Little Nathan GALLUP

Row #3, Grave #308-10-041, GPS 41.41674 N - 71.97188 W
(Transcript from Hale Survey) Gallup, Nathan, son of Nathan & Lucy, died Jan. 28, 1788, age 7
(Note the Hale has his age at death as 7 and the stone has it as his 8th year)
Photograph by Brian Zoldak, 2014

Nathan Gallup, 3rd
Next to the gravestone of Eunice Gallup who died in 1789 is this gravestone of Nathan, son of Nathan Gallup, Jn. and his wife Lucy (Packer) Gallup. Little 7 year old Nathan is the only child attributed to Nathan Gallup, Jr. and his wife Lucy. 

He was born in 1779 and died 30th January 1788. His parents married 4 January 1778 and the father, Nathan Gallup, Jr. died in 1778 in September so this child was born after his father had passed away. 

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Sentimental Sunday: Howard and Eliza Broadfoot

Photo by Rachel White, 2015. Used with permission

Howard C. Broadfoot and Eliza Bell Button
Taken by my distant cousin from North Stonington, CT is another Broadfoot gravestone for my collection. This is not in my family plot in Westerly but in Pachaug Cemetery in Connecticut.

Having this gravestone takes me back to the hours my paternal family spent with me working out their family into a family tree. We had no idea about dates, but the names on this stone match the earliest notes that I have on this family.

The Google News Archive found Howard's obituary from the New London newspaper, The Day. It gives me much more information than I had before. My father told me that Howard went to college and was the first one of our family to do so. It is always great to have oral history confirmed with evidence.

The Day, 13 May 1971
Howard was the youngest son of Great Uncle Tom and his wife Annie Ferguson and brother to the WWI hero Josiah Broadfoot who died in battle.  Howard was my 1st cousin, 2x removed. He was born in Westerly to this large family that did well coming from Dalbeattie. In 1910, the census tells me they could afford a servant to help take care of the younger children. 

When Howard's father died in 1911, his widowed mother was left to cope alone until 1945 when she died. The 1940 census, lists Howard living in Jewett City with his mother, with she as head of household. She must have been a strong woman.

The obituary tells me that Howard graduated from high school and attended, a least for a year, the University of Rhode Island. He did not marry until September of 1948. Howard and Eliza did not have children. I can't think of any way I would have found this out without these two pieces of evidence. Howard was a "colorist" in the textile industry having worked at Bradford Dye and Aspinook Corp.

By 1971, only two brothers remained alive. John Fergus Broadfoot (1896-1975) and Walter McGeorge Broadfoot (1894-1980). As John Fergus Broadfoot moved to California, I do not have his gravestone. I keep searching but it had not turned up yet.

Thank you Rachel White for noticing this gravestone while she was taking photos in that cemetery. Sometimes, it pays to have an unusual maiden name.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Little Eunice GALLUP

Row #3, Grave #308-10-040, GPS 41.41674 N - 71.97187 W
 (Transcript from Hale Survey) Gallup, Eunice, daughter of Nathan & Mary, died Mar. 18, 1789, age 7
 (Note the Hale has her age at death as 7 but the stone has it as her 8th year)
Photograph by Brian Zoldak, 2014

Eunice Gallup
This gravestone clearly says that this is Eunice GALLUP, daughter of Col. Nathan Gallup and Mrs. Mary his wife. She died on 8 Mar 1789 at the age of 7 (in her eight year).

It is important to note that Col. Nathan GALLUP's mother was named Eunice. Names do repeat in families.

This is problematic because Col Nathan GALLUP (Sr.) was married to Sarah GIDDINGS and she died in 1778. There is no vital record that I can find that indicates that Col. Nathan had another wife named Mary. I returned to the oldest Gallup genealogy because it is out of copyright and at Google Books. It is searchable. Mary doesn't appear as another wife.

Since released the US Wills & Probate records, I searched for Col. Nathan GALLUP and found his will. In it was a page listing his bequests to family members. I was so pleased to find that it listed another wife. Her name was Mary.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Tombstone Tuesday: Asa GALLUP

Row #3, Grave #308-10-039, GPS 41.41672 N - 71.97188 W
(Transcript from Hale Survey) Gallup, Sas, sone of Christopher & Polly, died Jan. 31, 1800, age 7 (
Note the Hale has the age at death as 7 years and the stone has it as his 8th year)
Photograph by Brian Zoldak, 2014

This is the gravestone of first born child of Christopher and Martha GALLUP. He is buried with his two little sisters and his parents. The name Asa is a male name and this is not the first time I have seen it recorded incorrectly as a female name. The gravestone cuts off the first letter and so the Hale Cemetery transcription is incorrect. Again, the mother's name is carved as Polly not Martha or Patty.

Asa was born on 17 December 1792 and died on 31 Jan 1800. These three gravestones of young children, one right after each other, suggests, but doesn't prove, that they died of disease. 

Christopher and Martha had three other children who lived to adulthood.

Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Little Sally GALLUP

Row #3, Grave #308-10-038, GPS 41.41671 N - 71.97186 W (Transcript from Hale Survey)
 Gallup, Sally, daughter of Christopher & Polly, died Mar. 29, 1800, age 1
(Note The Hale has her age at death as 1 year , but the stone has it as her 2nd year)
Photograph by Brian Zoldak, 2014

Little Sally GALLUP
Sister to Sarah, (the previous gravestone), Little Sally Gallup, daughter of Christopher and Martha GALLUP, was born 3 July 1798 and died 29 May 1800 in her second year of age. 

The Barbour Index tells us that there were two little girls named Sally so the gravestone here is the first little girl with this name. It could be that the second listing here is really supposed to be the little girl named Sarah. 

The stone reads that the mother's name is Polly, but we know her name was Martha and was known as Patty.

It is good to be able to read the gravestones, even if the actual records seems confused. 

Tuesday, October 06, 2015

Tombstone Tuesday: Sarah GALLUP

Row #3, Grave #308-10-037, GPS 41.41674 N - 71.97182 W
(Transcript from Hale Survey)
 Gallup, Sarah, daughter of Christopher & Patty, died Mar. 17, 1803, age 1 yr. 7 mos.
Not Quite Two or Aged 5?

Little Sarah GALLUP, daughter of Christopher and Patty Gallup was 1 year and 7 months old when she died OR was she older? This sandstone gravestone's lettering is a bit deceiving because the last part of the gravestone looks like a 5 or a 3 as the next part of the inscription implies. 

We don't know when this gravestone was put in place and it may mark the resting place of both little girls. Next up is the little girl named Sally