Friday, September 21, 2012

Family Reunion Fun

Midge and Brian Rice by midgefrazel
Midge and Brian Rice, a photo by midgefrazel on Flickr.

The Long and the Short of it! 
Last September, hubs and I went to nearby Natick, MA for the Rice reunion and I met techno-savvy Brian Rice. He was sending our tweets on the bus tour and I must admit, I was amused. Look how tall he is!

It is a great thing when a Society shares their presentations online. I wanted to spend a few minutes today reviewing what they put up online and I thought I'd show you them.

People have emailed me that they are descended from Deacon Edmund Rice but they can't come to this area to the reunion. Once such person is Randy Seaver of San Diego, CA.

An Introduction to the Life of Edmund Rice

DNA and The Rice Association

19th Century Army Generals

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