Monday, August 11, 2008

Making Friends, Making Plans

Most of the traffic to this blog has been from those seeking a grave of an ancestor or for information and directions to a cemetery where I have a gravestone posted. Last night, I spent some time reading Elizabeth Shown Mills huge book, Evidence Explained, concentrating on the section for cemeteries. Although this is not part of the events I am competing in, to do the events I am work on in I must keep performing the skills of the other events!

I don't know as many of the other genea-bloggers because I haven't been traveling to other states for genealogy conferences. I read about 10 blogs in this field and subscribe to several publications. (Did you see me mentioned in the July and September issues of Family Tree Magazine and in American Spirit (May/June)? Thanks to Maureen Taylor and Joe Bott, I feel quite famous. That's fun.

For the next 5 days, I will be writing the required drafts for events in "Write, Write, Write". I am going to write them offline in Word after doing the research. Then I will store them as drafts in my blog space. Normally, I first connect the photo at Flickr to my blog add a few lines and publish it. Then, I go to what I have written offline and add it to the posting in the blog interface, I add tags for Technorati, put labels on each post and post the finished product.

Yesterday, because I have Bloglines automatically searching for my name [that's ego-surfing], I discoved that Randy Seaver, chose one of last week's postings, The Danger of Historical Books, for his "Best of the Week" section of his blog! Then, he "used my blog" for his event as posting to a nu-2-u genea-blog! Thanks, Randy!

As you saw in my Olympic flag, I am concentrating on blog post for the Stanton-Davis family and the Denison family. Watch for my new postings!

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