Friday, May 28, 2010

Fireman Flag Holder

Fireman Flag Holder
Originally uploaded by midgefrazel
Never again will I make the assumption that all flag holders are because of military service. This one is for the members of the Benjamin Franklin Hoxie Steam Fire Engine Company founded in 1875. It was named after BF Hoxie whose gravestone is here. As I look back at the photos I have taken, there is more than one of these flag holders on Hoxie graves.

As this is located next to the grave of John Holdrege Hoxie (Jr.) who was a fire examiner and a descendant of BF Hoxie, I am not sure that it is not on the wrong grave.

BF Hoxie donated the money for the fire company but to my knowledge he did so because he was a prominent citizen and was not actually a firefighter.  There is a Facebook page for the Mystic River Historical Society and there are photos of a display of men who were firemen. It is SO interesting.

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