Monday, August 06, 2012

Bonnet Beach House

Bonnet Beach House by midgefrazel
Bonnet Beach House, a photo by midgefrazel on Flickr.

The House at Bonnet Shores 
I don't have many photos of my parents with myself and my maternal grandmother. I have no idea who is taking this photo but it might be my grandmother's sister who came to visit.

I am sure that we are going out to eat and that it is probably Sunday. I can tell you that it isn't a "fancy" place because my father is not wearing a "sport jacket". But, I am wearing a dress with a cardigan sweater. My mother always made me wear a sweater because she was convinced that I would catch a cold. I was pretty prone to that as I am now. But, it does make it hard to tell which season the photos are taken in.

I think this is the summer before a Presidential election because it made rainy days even more boring. All the channels showed the same stuff over and over. 

I see my mother's white milk glass chicken that I did not find when I cleaned out their house and maybe that was because it was packed with my grandmother's things and they gave it away. It is also possible that they left it behind when they sold this house. I do know that they sold it with most of the furniture. I thought that was odd because they were always going shopping for things for the beach house. I know the lamp came from the store that had the great dolls with doll outfits.

Looking at photos are remembering the people and the items around them makes you a better genealogist. I have sat with people and made them look at their family photo collections to get them started.

I can tell you that the photos on the wall came from a trip my grandparent's took to Guatemala or Mexico. My mother was always jealous of their trips and it made her mad that she wasn't asked to go with them. Imagine WANTING to go with your parents on a vacation?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Midge, Wonderful photo and your story is interesting to me. I had a very similar situation but West coast of course. My parents even had that knotty wood panelling on the wall of the beach house. We had that home in the family from the late 1920's through just a few years ago when I sold it and moved to a different area of the country. Nice post as ever, Midge!