Monday, January 11, 2010

4 Generations Frazel

4 Generations Frazel
Originally uploaded by midgefrazel
Last Saturday, my husband, my daughter, my son-in-law and baby Anthony went to visit my husband's parents. We wanted to wait until everyone was well and Anthony was big enough to be entertaining.

My husband's parents, Bill and Ruth Frazel were born in 1913 and 1915 respectively. They were married 18 May 1937 and they have two other sons besides my husband. They have two step-great grandchildren and two other great-grandsons besides baby Anthony. Due to distance, they have not held any other great-granchildren until this week. They enjoyed the visit very much.

I have always found it interesting that my husband's generation is all boys, those boys had all girls and now those girls have all boys.


Tracy said...

Wonderful photo. Multi-generational pictures like this one are definitely to be treasured.

Anonymous said...

What a great photo! It is so wonderful to get family together and capture the memories.

CarmenMJ said...

When my great grandparents died about 20 years ago...I think they had about 10 great great grandchildren at that point. I did a spreadsheet to figure out how many descendants they had last summer and put them in date order. There were 171 with two new babies born the previous two weeks. My grandmother's family was about 70 of that 171. Of the 10 children - she has the most descendants. Some of the best pictures of my great grandparents were when they got to hold those new grandbabies. They are precious pictures